About half-way through a game of football that would have made Mike Ditka weep, something dawns on me. Except for a few people, everyone here is considered a better football player than me. Here are some player stats:
Mr. Liza Minnelli: Signature move- catching the ball and then dropping it. Quote- "My hands are dirty now!"
Miss. Alarmingly-Good-At-Football: Signature move- making me look like a polio victim. Quote- "Lulu! Head in the GAME!"
Mr. Santa's physique: Signature move- Being stout. Quote- "heavily breathing"
Miss. Hilton: Signature move- Having a negative number for Body Mass Index. Quote- "OhhhhhmigawdyoucannotexpectmetoplaythisiamliiikesoobadatsportsstuffLOLLuluireeeaaaallylikeyourhairLOL!"
Towards the end of class I switched teams. Nobody noticed. Other than that there wasn't a lot else that happened. But from then until forever I am, Lulu Pictlast.
And thank you for reading my blog.
i can't believe they still have kids pick who is going to be on their teams!
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, Ms Pictlast. You will find here that we do not pick teams, there is no prescribed outfit that you must don for a specified time, nor do we insist that you run around like a chicken-with-your-head-cut-off after some sort of future object d'art to be found at a tag sale.
You're home.
Oh, this brings back memories. I was one of those girls who was always picked last. I'm not sure why this ritual is still in existence, but let me assure you, this will be but a brief blip in your life. Blogging, on the other hand, is fun, anyone is welcome and we can't wait to hear what you have to say!
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